Our Favourite School Bus Memories This Year

June 30, 2022
A young girl in her carseat in a 4Seasons school bus, wearing a mask with a flower in her hair.

Our Favourite Moments with Our Students this School Year

This school year brought so many memorable moments for our team of Transfer Care Specialists as we transported students living with disabilities to school in a safe, calm and compassionate way.  When we asked our School Bus Drivers and School Bus Attendants to share the best thing that happened on the school bus this year, these are the memories they described.

"I have a non-verbal student and I try to be funny during the ride. Even though she can’t talk, she smiles and seems happy during the ride. One day we got a painting made by her saying she thinks her bus drivers are funny. It means a lot to me even. We both have very good bonding and understanding even though she can't speak. I love all my kids on the bus and since I’ve started this job I really look forward see them all, not only to make all of them happy but it’s helping me a lot too. They make my day every day." - Naheed
"One of my students, when asked what he wanted to be when he was older, replied 'a bus driver just like Judy.' That was my favorite moment from this year." - Judy

We cannot thank our School Bus Drivers and School Bus Attendants enough for such a wonderful school year and everything they've done for the students we transport: waking up before sunrise, braving -30 weather and bringing their best selves to work each day to support the children. Some of our team members have even helped our students learn sign language to communicate, encouraged them to sing and even share their first words on the school bus.

"My best memories are that I got my non-verbal two kiddos using some sign language and hand gestures to be able to communicate with myself and others. This is huge! Lots of practice and repeating over and over again!" - Trina
"Hard to just have one favorite memory for the year. So many amazing moments on the bus. First words from non-verbal students, to students who were non-verbal their first year, now so funny three years later, and moving on to a new school and adventure. My heart is full and breaking at the same time." - Sharilyn

Because of the level of dedication and care from our employees, the students we transport have arrived at school calm and ready to learn. We know positive mornings set the stage for successful days of learning, which sets the stage for bright futures. We're so grateful to have such a wonderful community of caring individuals dedicated to empowering students living with disabilities.

"One of the best memories this year so far, would have to be when I was driving my last student home and on the way he says 'you are so kind, you treat me so well' and I thought wow! These kids are all awesome! And deserve to be treated with fairness and kindness. But not only that, how awesome it is that I made a small difference in his days on the bus this year. Bitter sweet, because he is moving provinces at the end of the year! Love this career." - Sarah

We are so grateful to have spent mornings and afternoons with the students we transport and to have the privilege of watching them grow, learn and thrive every day and throughout the school year. Our School Bus Drivers and School Bus Attendants will miss our students over the summer, but we’re excited to see them in the upcoming school year.